Emby server rpi2
Emby server rpi2


  • If the RPI reboots into emergency mode, you probably pooched the fstab entry, see Fixing Raspberry Pi in Emergency Mode.
  • Reboot using sudo shutdown -r now and make sure the drives mounted successfully.
  • Repeat steps 3 to 5 as needed for each drive.
  • Save by typing Ctrl-X and Y then Return to write the changes.
  • 0 to not have fsck check the disk on mount.
  • 0 to not use the drive as a backup drive.
  • defaults to use the default mount settings.
  • ext4 or the filesystem if something else (try to avoid using something other than ext3 or ext4 for simplicity).
  • /media/projects-hdd or the mount point from Step 3.
  • /dev/sda1/ or the device name from Step 2.
  • Add a new line at the bottom of the file with the following information, using a tab to separate each column.
  • Make it mount automatically on boot by:.
  • Change /dev/sda1 to match the listing from sudo fdisk -l, the number at the end may change if you have more than one partition on the drive to mount.
  • Mount the drive to the point by running sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/projects-hdd.
  • emby server rpi2

  • Make a mount point directory, for example, for a drive for projects, run sudo mkdir /media/projects-hdd.
  • First one will likely be /dev/sda, second one /dev/sdb and so on cross-reference using the size of the drive you're expecting.
  • Run sudo fdisk -l to get a list of the drives plugged in, and take note of the device name.
  • Plug in all the external drive, taking note of the size of each drive.
  • Advanced Options > Expand Filesystem: To ensure that all of the SD card is usable for the OSĪt this point you can optionally disconnect the external monitor and keyboard and connect to the RPI via SSH from another computer.
  • Localisation Options > Timezone: Set to your local timezone.
  • Performance Options > GPU Memory: Set to 16 (headless and CLI only means no video memory needed, keep it for disk ops).
  • System Options > Password: Change the default password.
  • Run sudo raspi-config to configure RPI specific options:.

  • Run sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade to bring the default software up-to-date.
  • Login using the default username pi and the default password raspberry.
  • At this point I have a keyboard and monitor plugged into the RPI for the initial configuration.
  • Insert the microSD card into the RPI and connect everything (except the external storage) to start configuration.
  • emby server rpi2


  • Insert the microSD card into a regular computer and use Raspberry Pi Imager to install Raspbian Lite.

    N.B.: I'm also using my router to set a static internal IP address for the RPI - refer to your router's documentation for instruction on how to do that. N.B.: I am intentionally not setting up any wireless networking because since I'm using this for file and media sharing, I will only be using a hard-wired ethernet connection. Goal: Set up a Raspberry Pi with my external hard drives and use Samba and Emby to have it act as a file and media home server to be access from our family's various computers and (so-called) smart devices. Configuring a Raspberry Pi as a File and Media Server

    Emby server rpi2